Friday, September 24, 2010


IN THE HINDU puranas LORD SIVA has been described as 1)Male 2) Female  3) None of the two i.e. known ALI (which means arthanari: portion of him as female)

We would have been read or taught in the school in the subject of science in order to differentiate the living things and  non living things. Further the living things as plants and animals.  The difference between  animal and plant is only mobility.

Recently here-in Coimbatore that too in Gudalur to Nagapattiam Hi-way  from Singanallur to Narasimhanaickenpalayam  in order to widen the road and to make it brad  several tamarind trees cut away upto their deep root, from the news paper it has been come to know that at least 1100 trees will henceforth never swing their branches in the air, give shadow, never pull  in the  carbon die oxide to make it tamarind fruit,  they all  mingled in the thin air of various parts of tamil nadu as ash (cut as wood and may be used  for cooking, making charcoal etc. etc.)

Those trees were standing their for more than 30 to 50 years.  We hope a good volume of tamarind fruit yield
has been lost, which will make the price of tamarind in to the new hight,. Tamarind fruit juice is one of the base for making several kind of food items.  We can plant a new tree now but we have to wait for 30-50 years to look for those kind of trees.  If the government have given permission  a little bit late by 2 to 3 months we would have got the last and final chance  for harvesting the new tamarind fruit inthe year2010.

While travelling to Coimbatore I had a chance to chat with a school boy and  we talk about the difference between plants and animals, apart from the similar things one difference is the mobility.  Animal may run, fly, dive etc., etc., to move away from that place where it  felt danger for their lives but plants.  When it is imaged
a tamarind tree moving with its 30 to 40 feet hight and 10 to 12 feet width with a 20 to 30 tonne weight, you may shake your head and automatically your mouth will say OH.

Even those tamarind trees cut and vanished in the thin air as ash, their earlier yield of tamarind fruits will have seeds in them, some of them may escape from the grinding to make powder for the consumption of animal and man, they may go in the earth and rebirth to do their duty.

I wish all the good things may happen to the readers, commentators of this page with the blessings of god.
Hope we will discuss again!


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  2. Noted the contents, which will be utilised as and when in need of self or if any body in need.Thank you may god bless you always.
